How to Add Trialfacts as a Source in Qualtrics and Auto-Populate Answers

Before doing any of the following steps, please view this document to ensure that integrating with Qualtrics is applicable to your process.

If you are using Qualtrics for your survey and you use it on multiple channels, it would be best to identify which ones are coming from Trialfacts by "embedding" the source data we pass onto your survey site.

Please note that this is applied when participants are redirected to your Qualtrics survey after passing the Trialfacts prescreen questionnaire (meaning you will need to provide us the Qualtrics survey URL).

Embedding Fields on Qualtrics

Follow the steps outlined below in your Qualtrics survey account to add the source field:

  1. Under Survey menu, click Survey Flow.
  2. Select Add a New Element Here. 
  3. Type Source in the field text area.
  4. Move the embedded data block at the top.
  5. Click Publish.

All participants sourced from our recruitment efforts will be tagged as "Trialfacts" under the Source section of your Report.

Auto-Populating Some Answers on Your Survey

If you require certain fields to be auto-populated in your survey - especially for questions that have already been asked of participants referred by Trialfacts, such as first name, last name, email, and phone number, we can facilitate this process through the following steps:

  • Simply inform us beforehand, and we will set up our questionnaire to pass the relevant data onto your survey.
  • You will also need to embed fields in your survey to store the respective values.
  • As a standard procedure, we use the following codes for auto-populating:
    • FName for first name
    • LName for last name
    • Email for email address
    • Phone for phone number.

Note: if you require any modifications to this procedure, please communicate them to us so we can make the necessary adjustments.

Once completed:

You will need to add the embedded data as a default choice on each question by following the steps outlined below:

  1. Click the setting icon below the question number.
  2. Select Add Default Choices.
  3. Click on the dropdown >> Embedded Data Field.
  4. Either type the field value (e.g., FName) or select it from the dropdown.
  5. Click Insert.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Click Publish.

**Please ensure that the correct field name is selected for each answer.

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