What security and privacy measures do you have in place?
Trialfacts adheres to the Principles of Good Clinical Practice (GCP) in all of its recruitment activity. All recruitment materials are provided to our client to ensure accuracy and seek relevant independent review board (IRB) or human research ethics committee (HREC) approval.
Trialfacts takes the privacy and security of protected health information, and all other personal information very seriously. We believe strongly in a patient first approach to patient recruitment. We adhere to data security and privacy standards consistent with HIPAA. We provide 1-to-1 support to participants and volunteers who sign up for, or inquire about, a study we are recruiting for, and any person can contact us at support@trialfacts.com to have all of their data removed from our system at any time.
For more information please read our privacy policy at https://trialfacts.com/privacy-policy/ or call us at or 1-415-704-1575.