Does Trialfacts Guarantee Enrollments?

At Trialfacts, our guarantee revolves around delivering an agreed-upon number of pre-screened referrals within a specified time frame. The Enrollment Funnel table in your Recruitment Plan details the rationale behind the expected enrollments from these pre-screened referrals.

It's important to note that these estimates are conservative, and are formulated based on our extensive experience and collaborative discussions with you.

This guarantee can be viewed/understood from two perspectives:

  1. Legally, our guarantee extends only to the aspects within our control.
    1. There are many external factors influencing the possible number of enrollments, such as the adherence to our phone screen appointment system and best practices for patient communication
    2. We can, therefore, only take responsibility for what we can influence.
    3. There may be instances where clients deviate from our recommendations, resulting in a loss of interest from the provided referrals.
  2. From a practical standpoint, we are committed to supporting our clients in achieving the desired number of enrollments.
    1. While we do not guarantee enrollments, your Account Coordinator will work closely with your recruiting team to assist where they can in converting referrals to enrollments.
    2. This may involve steps such as reviewing our Best Practice guides, identifying any gaps in contact protocols, or identifying discernable patterns in the reasons for referrals failing at the prescreen or phone screen stages and attempting to mitigate the same.
    3. In some instances, where we have delivered the number of guaranteed referrals and you are near (but still under) your enrollment quota, we may supply extra referrals to help you reach your enrollment goal.
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