How to Create a Filter View in Your Referrals Spreadsheet

A filtered view provides an effective means of viewing specific information in a Google spreadsheet without affecting how collaborators simultaneously view the same data. It also ensures that the integrity of data automatically pushed by Trialfacts into your referral spreadsheet remains uncompromised.

To apply a filter view, kindly follow the steps below:

  1. Locate the dropdown menu linked to the filter icon and select Create new temporary filter view or Create new filter view

    Note: Some users may find that directly clicking the filter icon also presents the option for filter view. Regardless of the approach, as long as you select "filter view" instead of "filter", you are proceeding correctly.

Image A: Old filter icon
Image B: for some users, the usual filter icon (as depicted in image A) may now be replaced with an icon that more closely resembles a calculator.
  1. Filter the data according to your preference by selecting/unselecting each item in the list as needed. With the filter view, you do not have to worry about affecting the way other people see the data on their end

Note: The change in background of the column letters and row numbers (from the color white to black) will indicate that you are currently in "filter view" or "temporary filter view" mode.

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