How to Create a Google Account Using Your Non-Google Work Email to Access Trialfacts Tools

The easiest way to access your study’s referral spreadsheet and other documents coming from Trialfacts is to use a Google Account. If you are using a non-Google email for work, you can still use it to create a Google Account and easily access Google documents of your study.

To create a Google Account using your existing work email, please follow the steps below:

1. Go to this link to create a Google account and enter the needed information.

2. Click Use my current email address instead and enter your existing work email (which should be the same email you provided in the Working with Trialfacts document or your Contact Information Form).

3. Verify your email by entering the code sent to your work email.

  1. Complete the process of creating your Google Account.
  2. Once complete, you can access the spreadsheets and other Google documents shared with your work email. Just log in using your work email and the password you provided in Step 1.

Note: Make sure you are signed in using your work email when accessing Google Sheets or other Google documents shared with you.  If you are signed in to another Google account on your browser (not the work email indicated in your Working with Trialfacts Document or your Contact Information Form), you will face access issues.

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